What’s gonna work? Teamwork!

Group Projects… We all have done them. I myself have a bittersweet feeling toward them. Its nice to share the load, but sometimes I would rather just do it alone… or not at all! Now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, I can give you the latest scoop on what’s happening in the group project world of HNRS 179! Yay. EMU-logo

My group that I am thankful to collaborate with for this project has suggested the idea of end of semester rummage sales! At these sales, students will be able to get rid of any unwanted clothes, shoes, furniture, you name it (in good condition). All items will be accepted by donation. Any member of the Eastern Michigan University community will be able to participate by donating, shopping, or lending a hand in organizing the event. Any items left over after the close of the event will be donated to a non profit organization, like Salvation Army. We also agreed that it would be great to give to shelters and half way houses. Monetary donations will also be accepted. Proceeds will go towards helping students on campus and a selected charity. Donations will be accepted year ’round. Our goal is to get donation bins in common areas: dorms, campus apartments,  the student center, and outside of dining halls and parking lots. SA

Our hope is that we can get this idea to VISION volunteer center at the student center and we can put this plan into action. Instead of clothes and furniture and appliances  just being thrown in the trash, they will be given to a great cause! Given the opportunity I believe that we will be able to touch thousands of lives, including our own. Sustaining the environment is not just about nature, but also the people who live in it.


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